Din betroede bæredygtighedspartner
Som en hurtigt voksende international organisation har Agrimass opnået sit ry som førende inden for fermentering. Bag Agrimass står et team af eksperter, der er forenet af en fælles vision om en grønnere og mere bæredygtig verden.
Vores kerneværdier troværdighed, kvalitet og kontinuitet er de søjler, der definerer vores identitet og styrer hver eneste handling, vi foretager os hos Agrimass. Som din ultimative partner i omdannelsen af landbrugs- og biokemisk affald til værdifulde ressourcer er vi indbegrebet af innovation i praksis.
Vi udnytter det bedste potentiale i biomasse og sætter en ære i at være et pålideligt og gennemsigtigt led i kæden, der garanterer optimal ydeevne.
I spidsen for morgendagens forandringer
Vores mission er klar: at have en varig indflydelse på verdens bæredygtighedslandskab. Vi tilfører ikke bare værdi til landbrugsaffald og biokemisk affald; vi tilfører det kvalitet og sikrer en stabil konsistens. Biogas er ikke bare en brændstofkilde; det er vores håb for en renere fremtid.
Hos Agrimass ser vi anderledes på affald. Hvad andre kasserer, ser vi som fuldgyldige råmaterialer, der vrimler med uudnyttet potentiale. Vores passion ligger i at opdage de skjulte skatte i disse ressourcer, både eksisterende og nye, og bringe dem på markedet med urokkelig dedikation.
Tag med os på vores rejse, hvor vi omdefinerer den måde, vi opfatter affald på, ét råmateriale ad gangen. Agrimass er din ydmyge guide til en grønnere fremtid, hvor affald omdannes til værdi, og fremtiden er lysere for de kommende generationer.

Meet the Team

“Our passion is to add value for our customers and suppliers by not just offering services, but by collaborating to find the best strategies for success. This ability stems from the strength and passion of our team, our broad knowledge, extensive network, and our commitment to invest in innovation. As director of Agrimass, I am incredibly proud and excited to lead our team towards achieving new heights and reaching the next level of excellence.”

“I am driven by the excitement of creating new products for our clients, developing them with our suppliers, and marketing them to elevate our company. Leveraging our expertise and network to advance innovation is crucial in our industry, both for sustainability and to be a valuable partner at all levels, and this motivates me to constantly challenge our team of professionals to excel.“

“As an Inside Sales representative, I am tasked with maintaining customer relationships and enhancing sales. My primary focus is on understanding the needs of our clients and providing them with tailored solutions, facilitating the development of strong business relationships. My work plays a key role in contributing to the success of Agrimass in a dynamic market environment.“

“I’m delighted to be a part of the Agrimass team, a group deeply committed to fostering a greener world. The opportunity to work across two diverse departments; Logistics and Finance, continually broadens my professional experience and knowledge. Every day, I feel proud and fortunate to work with colleagues who are as professional and dedicated as they come.“

“I’m thrilled to be part of a fantastic team of professionals, whose collective efforts are propelling our company further up the competitive ladder. Working together, we’re not just achieving goals but setting new standards in our industry. As a Turnover Operator, I take great pride in contributing to this sustainable project, and every day I’m inspired by our shared commitment to excellence and innovation.“

“As Agrimass experiences rapid growth, it’s essential that our financial management is exemplary. In my role as a Financial Administrator, I am pivotal in ensuring this. Through the adoption of innovative strategies, I am taking the administrative processes to an advanced level. By doing so, I not only streamline our financial operations but also provide a solid foundation for sustainable growth and scalability in the face of ever-evolving market demands.”
Kom med på vores team!